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  • Writer's pictureValpo Surf Project

Movie - Day at Internado

It’s a Saturday morning, May 14 in Valparaíso, Chile. Winter is creeping in, the air is damp and fresh from fog that covers the city like a blanket. How lucky that this particular Saturday, the Valpo Surf Project team gets to spend the morning enjoying a breakfast made by the talented chefs at local eatery Internado, followed by watching a movie in the incredible space below the restaurant.

When we arrived to Internado, the chefs had made avocado and cheese sandwiches, accompanied with fresh juice, hot chocolate, and tea. One of the best parts is that in Internado, the kitchen is all open, so you can see the cooks preparing everything. Many of the students were fascinated watching the chefs make their preparations for the day, and all rushed to where the could see the action in the kitchen. This tied in neatly with this month’s theme in VSP English classes: food!

After eating breakfast, we went downstairs to the gallery where we projected a movie on the world’s oceans. We went exploring the darkest depths of the sea, coral reefs with colors beyond imagination and we followed the blue whale along its migration. The theme of conservation was also a common thread throughout the movie. It was the perfect way to spend a rainy day!

Many thanks to the whole team over at Internado for making such a special day for the

Valpo Surf Project kids.

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