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  • Writer's pictureValpo Surf Project

JAC/DERCO 2nd Van Ceremony

On April 15th, the Valpo Surf Project received a second JAC Refine from our sponsor JAC Derco. After having donated a van in December of 2013, we were able to hit 2014 running and increased our number of surf sessions by almost three times. In 2013 before the involvement of JAC Derco, we ran twenty-nine surf sessions, worked in two neighborhoods, and had thirty-five active students. After getting the first JAC Refine, in 2014 we ran eighty-three surf sessions, added an additional three neighborhoods, and had one-hundred active students. Over the summer 2015 we ran a total of thirty five surf sessions and now have more than one-hundred active students. With the addition of a second van, the opportunities for us to expand our programming and get more kids surfing is even more possible. We are excited to see how much our program will grow and improve with this second donation.

This past week we had a reception ceremony with JAC Derco to accept the second

JAC Refine. There were over fifty people present, including members of the JAC Derco team, the press, the Valpo Surf staff and board, and Valpo Surf alumni and students. Check out some photos from the ceremony below!

Huge thanks to JAC Derco for their generosity, the VSP would not be where it is today without their support.

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